Mahatma Award

Mahatma Award for Sustainable and Responsible Business Practice (For Corporations, Large Business Houses and Public Sector Enterprises)
Mahatma Award in this category aim to increase awareness of sustainable business best practices and demonstrate how sustainable business benefits companies, the environment and all stakeholders, today and for the future. Mahatma Award for Sustainable and Responsible Business Practice are presented across 20 categories, which cover some of the most significant challenges facing companies, communities and economies.
Mahatma Award for Business Responsibility and Ethics
The complexity and international spread of global supply chains means that companies are often exposed to different cultures and different governance environments. As customers and regulators demand more transparency into supply chains, companies must understand and manage the potential ethical concerns of their stakeholders, and take action to address them.
Mahatma Award for Stakeholder Engagement and Materiality
In an increasingly complex and connected global business environment, companies need to build frameworks and policies for engaging with the many stakeholders—from suppliers through to customers and regulators—on who they depend.
Mahatma Award for UN Sustainable Development Goals
The United Nations’ Sustainable Development Goals provides a comprehensive framework for the private sector to monitor and measure their sustainability strategies and initiatives. The SDGs cover a broad range of social, environmental and economic outcomes, and many companies have begun to integrate them into their existing strategies as benchmarks or targets.
Mahatma Award for Reporting and Transparency
This award will go out to companies that have demonstrated honest, transparent disclosure on both negative and positive impacts through their sustainability reporting process. It will showcase leading strategies showcasing transparency in core business operations and across the value chain. Companies should verify which reporting standard/ verification/ framework is used.
Mahatma Award for Strategy and Sustainability Management
Achieving sustainability goals requires the development, articulation and execution of strategies that draw in all levels of a company. This category awards businesses for overall approach and strategy for addressing sustainability issues.
Mahatma Award for Workforce
A company’s sustainability begins with its employees. Investments in diversity, training and development and health and wellbeing have been shown to have profound and positive impacts on productivity, while progressive and inclusive policies help to improve and to communicate a company’s culture.
Mahatma Award for Community Initiative
Communities are the most important stakeholder for any company in any sector. Managing relationships with the communities that host a company’s operations, provide its workforce or represent its consumers is among the most critical aspects of sustainability.
Mahatma Award for Energy Management
Electricity generation for homes and businesses is the source of nearly 40 per cent of all global carbon emissions. Companies have a responsibility to create strategies to manage and ultimately reduce their energy consumption and to move to sustainable sources of generation.
Mahatma Award for Water Management
More than 2 billion people live in countries experiencing hight levels of water stress, according to figures from the United Nations. Management of water resources is a critical challenge for the 21st century, as populations grow and the climate changes. Companies in all sectors can take meaningful actions to manage their own footprints and to ensure that the world has access to clean water.
Mahatma Award for Waste and Material Productivity
Many of the overlapping challenges of sustainability stem from how resources are managed and disposed of through value chains. Many companies are beginning to embrace a philosophy of ‘circularity’, where products are designed to recover the maximum value throughout their lifecycles, and to be fully recycled, ‘closing the loop’ on resource use.
Mahatma Award for Climate Change
Decarbonizing the global economy to prevent catastrophic climate change is perhaps the most important challenge of the next decade. The private sector will be a hugely significant factor in addressing the root causes of climate change and helping communities and economies to adapt to its impacts.
Mahatma Award for Supply Chain Management
Trade links communities and companies across the world, with supply chains now vastly complicated and often spanning national boundaries and even continents. A company’s supply chain is a powerful tool for it to bring about social and environmental change, and many businesses are now leveraging their wider operations to improve livelihoods and address sustainability issues experienced by their stakeholders.
Mahatma Award for Land Use and Biodiversity
The world is experiencing an acute crisis of biodiversity, with critical ecosystems under threat and thousands of species at risk of extinction. Protecting and nurturing the ecosystems that support human activity is of vital importance, and the private sector, which depends on these services, has a major role to play through its investment policies and operational practices.
Mahatma Award for Innovation
The award will go out to companies that have developed innovation in a sustainability initiative or project that has been enabled by technology. This award will celebrate innovation which puts sustainability at the heart of a project. Innovation means any environmental, social or financial consideration has been generated from research into commercialization.
Mahatma Award for Corporate Intrapreneurs
Mahatma Award in this category recognize the corporate change-makers, who while working in the company develop and promote practical solutions to social or environmental challenges.
Mahatma Awards for Social Good and Its Impact
( For Nonprofits, NGOS, Foundations, Charitable Organizations and Social Entrepreneurs)
Mahatma Award for Social Good and its Impact to put a public spotlight on amazing efforts done by Nonprofits, NGOS, Foundations, Charitable Organizations and Social Entrepreneurs to bring about change. The award under this category is aligned with United Nation's Sustainable Development Goals. The 17 sustainable development goals (SDGs) to transform our world:
Mahatma Award for ‘No Poverty’
Award in this category will recognize the organization, which are working towards ending poverty in all its forms everywhere.
Mahatma Award for ‘Zero Hunger’
Award in this category will recognize the organization, which are working towards ending hunger, achieve food security and improved nutrition and promote sustainable agriculture.
Mahatma Award for ‘Good Health and Well-being’
Award in this category will recognize the organization, which are working towards ensuring healthy lives and promoting well-being for all at all ages.
Mahatma Award for ‘Quality Education’
Award in this category will recognize the organization, which are working towards ensuring inclusive and equitable quality education and promote lifelong learning opportunities.
Mahatma Award for ‘Gender Equality’
Award in this category will recognize the organization, which are working towards achieving gender equality and empowering all women and girls.
Mahatma Award for ‘Clean Water and Sanitation’
Award in this category will recognize the organization, which are working towards ensuring availability and sustainable management of water and sanitation.
Mahatma Award for ‘Affordable and Clean Energy’
Award in this category will recognize the organization, which are working towards ensuring access to affordable, reliable, sustainable and modern energy.
Mahatma Award for ‘Decent Work and Economic Growth’
Award in this category will recognize the organization, which are working towards promoting sustained, inclusive and sustainable economic growth, full and productive employment and decent work.
Mahatma Award for ‘Industry, Innovation and Infrastructure’
Award in this category will recognize the organization, which are working towards Building resilient infrastructure, promote inclusive and sustainable industrialization and foster innovation.
Mahatma Award for ‘Reduced Inequality’
Award in this category will recognize the organization, which are working towards Reducing inequality within and among countries.
Mahatma Award for ‘Sustainable Cities and Communities’
Award in this category will recognize the organization, which are working towards making cities and human settlements inclusive, safe, resilient and sustainable.
Mahatma Award for ‘Responsible Consumption and Production’
Award in this category will recognize the organization, which are working towards ensuring sustainable consumption and production patterns.
Mahatma Award for ‘Climate Action’
Award in this category will recognize the organization, which are working towards taking action to combat climate change and its impacts.
Mahatma Award for ‘Life Below Water’
Award in this category will recognize the organization, which are working towards conserving and sustainably use the oceans, seas and marine resources for sustainable development.
Mahatma Award for ‘Life on Land’
Award in this category will recognize the organization, which are working to protect, restore and promote sustainable use of terrestrial ecosystems, sustainably manage forests, combat desertification, and halt and reverse land degradation and halt biodiversity loss.
Mahatma Award for ‘Peace and Justice Strong Institutions’
Award in this category will recognize the organization, which are working towards promoting
peaceful and inclusive societies for sustainable development, provide access to justice for all
and build effective, accountable and inclusive institutions at all levels.
Mahatma Award for ‘Partnerships to achieve the Goal’
Award in this category will recognize the organization, which are working towards Strengthening the means of implementation and revitalize the Global Partnership for Sustainable Development.
Mahatma Award in other Categories
Mahatma Award for Philanthropy
Mahatma Award in this Category is instituted to applaud and recognize the efforts of individuals who have given time, money, skill and expertise to create model institutions and inspire others.
Mahatma Award for Startups
Mahatma Award in this category recognize the startups, whose businesses positively demonstrate their commitment to supporting the SDGs and its mission of ending poverty, inequality, and climate change via innovative thinking, emerging technologies, and ethical business models.
Mahatma Award for Driving the Circular Economy
Mahatma Award in this category will recognize the breakthroughs and innovations in recycling technology or reusable packaging systems and initiatives promoting increase in recycling rates or nurturing demand for recyclate.
Mahatma Award for Partnership for Impact
Mahatma Award in this Category will recognize the partnerships working towards a better, responsible and sustainable world.
Mahatma Award for Aid and Relief
The award celebrates individuals as well as teams who have introduced game-changing initiatives, created research or inventions that have made an impact on the humanitarian aid and relief efforts.
Mahatma Awards for Social Entrepreneurs
The award in this category recognize outstanding leaders at the helm of organizations pioneering solutions for social and environmental challenges ranging from refugee family reunification and human rights to water infrastructure and financial inclusion.
Mahatma Awards for Public Social Intrapreneurs
The first of its kind category in Mahatma Award to recognize those fostering social innovation in the public sector
Mahatma Award for CSR Excellence [ Corporations | Public Sector Enterprises | Corporate Foundations | Banks & Financial Institutions, Social Enterprises (For Profit)]
Mahatma Award for Sustainable and Responsible Business Practice [ Corporations | Public Sector Enterprises | Corporate Foundations | Banks & Financial Institutions, Social Enterprises (For Profit)]
Mahatma Award for CER ( Corporate Environmental Responsibility ) Excellence [ Corporations | Public Sector Enterprises | Corporate Foundations | Banks & Financial Institutions, Social Enterprises
(For Profit)]
Mahatma Award for ESG ( Environment - Social - Governance ) Excellence [ Corporations | Public Sector Enterprises | Corporate Foundations | Banks & Financial Institutions, Social Enterprises (ForProfit)]
Mahatma Award for Healthcare Excellence - Hospitals | Doctors | Healthcare Professionals | IVF Professionals | ART - IVF Clinics | Healthcare Service Provider | Dermatologists | Plastic Surgeons | Aestheticians | Aesthetic Clinics | Pharmaceutical Manufacturers | Vaccine Research and Development | Cancer Research and Development | TeleMedicine Institution | Medical College | State Funded Hospitals | Para Medical Institutions | Non Profits in Healthcare | Medical Technology | Device Company | Medico Research | Medico Startups | Mobile Software / Apps
Mahatma Award for Social and Academic Excellence - Schools | CBSE | ICSE | IB | CIE | State Run Schools | | Private and State Funded Colleges | Institutions|
Mahatma Award for Digital Transformation and Social Impact [ Corporations | Public Sector Enterprises | Corporate Foundations | Banks & Financial Institutions, Social Enterprises (For Profit)]
Mahatma Award for Legal Excellence and Social Impact 2022 [ GCs, Corporate Counsels & In-house Counsels | Head Legal, CLOs | Regulatory, Risk & Governance | Compliance, Contracts, ESG, Sustainability & Ethics Professionals | eDiscovery & Legal Technology | Policymakers | Government Law Officials | CEO | Managing, Senior Partners of Law firms | Solicitors | Barristers |
Advocates | Judicial Officers ]
Mahatma Award for Human Resource Excellence and Social Impact [ Corporations | Public Sector Enterprises | Corporate Foundations | Banks & Financial Institutions, Social Enterprises (For Profit)]
Mahatma Award for Biodiversity Conservation [ Corporations | Public Sector Enterprises | Corporate Foundations | Banks & Financial Institutions | NGOs | Nonprofits ]